martes, 25 de junio de 2013

Who is the Hungry Octopuss

There was a batch of little octopy that fell into a fishing trap. They struggled and wiggled and got tangled up, once the trap came out of the water.  Most of their tiny slimy arms would wind up on a sushi dish miles away. But this jellylike octupuss slipped away from all the horror and fell with a splat on the floor of the fishing boat. And before the fisherman noticed, he crawled back into the water, not knowing where he would end up.
As he was swept by the current he thought how lucky he was not to be part of a cooking reality show and, how thankful he was not to be chopped into pieces on international TV.  He also thought that his dozens of siblings would never be able to have a meal again, and he felt a knot in  his stomache.  He felt dizzy and weak, and he realized he was really hungry. 
He went down to the ocean floor to look for something to eat, but the ocean floor was different, he was misplaced, and he did not know where to find any food. He was lost.
This octopuss decided to learn more about how and why he had been caught in that octopuss trap, and if he ever found a reason that would fit his curiosity, he would fight with all his might to help other octopy escape that terrible end.
The octopuss set out to learn as much as he can. Hungry for information, hungry for knowledge, hungry for understanding this octopuss has learned a whole lot.  He`s learned spanish, he learned how to read and write, he learned how to use the internet and communicate with the outside world.  This hungry octopuss is amazed at the human race, and the more he learns the hungrier he gets, but the less he understands.
This is the space where the hungry octopuss wants to organize his thoughts and place in order some of the most relevant things he has learned, those which he thinks may be useful for other octopy, and those he thinks may be part of what he hopes one day will be understood.

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